How to Scald Milk – Using Stove or a Microwave

SolvingDaily noticed a number of queries about how to scald milk easily.  Here SolvingDaily brings out a solution for your question related to how to scald milk easily. 

Before we get into how to scald milk easily, SolvingDaily would like to inform you about the importance of scalded milk. Scalded milk is used in many food recipes such as for some sauces, which gives a flavor of raw flour. Scalded milk is used in making bread and also to yeast dough.

Scalded Milk is also used in making yogurt which has been followed from the Eastern Mediterranean concept. The milk is heated in a pan unless it becomes half of what it is, often while scalding the protein of the milk is separated. The whey protein is separated in other containers and the protein somewhere else. 

Now when you know the Importance of Scalded milk then your next question must be how to scald milk for various purposes. SolvingBee has brought you the easiest way to scald milk in either a stove or in Microwave. We will discuss both the ways you can choose exactly which way would you like to scald your milk. 

How to Scald Milk in a Microwave?

SolvingDaily understands that many of you are habituated to microwave cooking. But it is again a little challenging to scalding milk in a microwave. We have our experts who would give you exact steps to how to scald milk in your microwave. Follow the steps that will help you to scald milk easily in a microwave. 

Step 1: Pour the full amount of milk in a microwave-safe bowl or any microwave-safe container

You can use skimmed milk or powdered milk or maybe whole milk. If you want you can use other types of milk too that are available near you. But you must know that cashew milk or soy milk will not have a similar result like that of dairy milk. The result of the scalding of the two types of milk will be different from each other. 

If you want to get the best result of scalding then you must use a microwave-safe glass bowl. There are no chemical changes in a glass bowl, nevertheless, if you want to use a plastic bowl make sure that it is microwave-safe. 

It is also recommended to use a bowl that is deep enough or curved so that the heated milk does not spill over the container. 

Step 2: Keep a wooden stick in the bowl before putting it inside the microwave

It is advised to use a wooden stick, it could also be a chopstick or any wooden stick. The wooden stick breaks the surface of the milk. So when the bowl is put inside the microwave with the stick, it will stop the milk from overflowing. 

You must know that when you put the bowl in the microwave, it should not be opened frequently. So the stick in the milk bowl will help the milk not to overspill from the brims of the bowl. 

The size of the stick does not matter much. It is okay it the chopstick touches the wall of the microwave. The bowl will rotate so will the stick, so no need to look for the correct size, any size will be fine. 

Step 3: Put the milk in medium flame for 30 seconds

The first thing that you must keep in mind while putting the bowl of milk inside the microwave for scalding, no need to cover. But make sure that you heat the milk for multiple times but for 30 seconds. Heating the milk for 30 seconds will keep the milk away from spilling over the brims of the microwave bowl. It also avoids the milk from splitting on the walls of the microwave. 

You might find it tempting to heat the milk for 3-5 minutes at a stretch but that might burn the milk. In fact, the milk will not be heated evenly if it is heated for long 3-5 minutes at a stretch. 

Step 4: Take out the Bowl and stir with a wooden spatula

After heating the milk for 30 seconds, take out the bowl from the microwave. Then either uses a silicone spatula or a wooden spatula to stir the milk evenly. The heat of the milk is spread evenly. Avoid using any other metal or anything that might have any reaction to the milk. Different metals will react differently to the protein of the milk. So it is safe to use the wooden stick or any silicone spatula. 

Step 5: Check the Temperature of the Milk

how to scald milk

You can use the candy thermometer which can be used in the milk. Put the candy thermometer right in the middle of the bowl. Hold the thermometer in a manner that it does not touch the walls of the body of the bowl. Hold the thermometer for 10-15 seconds and you will get the temperature of the milk. 

Stop heating the milk once it reaches the temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit or 82-degree centigrade. This is why you will have to heat the milk for 30 seconds every time and check it. If by any chance the temperature of the milk reaches 100 degrees centigrade then you will have to start again with fresh milk. The result of the scalding will not be as required or as you want.  

Let the milk cool down and settle down, then you can use it in any recipe you wish to. 

How to Scald Milk in a Stovetop?

Now in the above 5 steps, SolvingDaily explained how to scald milk in the microwave. But now we will discuss how to scald milk in a stovetop. There are other options for heating such as induction or an electric kettle probably.  So here we will give you the simple steps of milk scalding in the stove. 

Step 1: Pour the milk in a saucepan on the stove

Firstly, measure the milk and then put it in the saucepan so that the scalded milk is sufficient for your recipe. Plus measured milk will help you to pour that directly to your recipe. You will not have to use the measuring cup to measure the milk and use it in the recipe. 

Choose a pan that has a heavy bottom, this will help the heat to be spread equally to the entire milk amount. 

Step 2: Turn on the oven, keep the flame medium

Once you pour the milk into the saucepan, reduce the flame of the stove. The milk should be heated gradually not very quickly. Remember, your aim is to heat the milk without boiling it or without sticking to the floor of the pan. 

Keep a close look over the milk while being heated. The entire scalding or heating process would take 3-5 minutes roughly. 

Step 3: Keep stirring the milk unless you see bubbles in the milk

You must know that stirring the milk while heating would stop the milk surface from making any protein film. The unwanted protein film will be harmful to your recipe. So to avoid that you must keep on stirring the milk. 

Stirring the milk also helps to spread the heat evenly. You must use a wooden spatula to stir the milk; this will not create any kind of reaction to the milk. 

Step 4: Remove the pan as soon as you spot bubbles

When you see small bubbles all over the milk, you can remove the pan from the flame. Then out the pan into a heat resistant surface and stir it and let it cool down. 

Step 5: Let the milk settle down and cool down

Bring down the temperature of the milk up to 41-degree centigrade. It will take 5-10 minutes for the milk to completely cool down. You can use that time to prepare your other ingredients in which you will add the milk. 

Wrapping up

Now that you know how to scald milk, remember the most important thing is not to overheat the milk. Overheating the milk will completely spoil the purpose of scalding and that will spoil the recipe in which it must be added. Solvingdaily has tried to cater to you the easiest ways of scalding milk. If you liked our step wise how to scald milk process then you can look for other how-to problems you need a solution for.

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