How To Cut A Watermelon In 1 Minute

Watermelon is one of the most famous summertime fruits, but many find it difficult to handle a jumbo size watermelon. SolvingDaily brings you to the easy tricks of how to cut a watermelon easily. Many say it takes hours to cut a watermelon properly, but we will tell you here how to cut a watermelon in 1 minute. 

While we tell you how to cut a watermelon, we do not only mean normal ways of cutting. We will also give you ideas about various techniques of cutting watermelon in various shapes and sizes. Without wasting much time, we will give a thorough guide explaining how to cut a watermelon quickly and easily. 

When we had posted how to eat jackfruit, we had also shown how to cut a jackfruit because it seems difficult for many. So we decided to make this post on how to cut a watermelon for those who find it difficult. 

How to Cut a Watermelon in Less than a Minute?

Well, SolvingDaily brings you with the most number of possible solutions to this problem. We have gathered some techniques, one by one we will place them below to tell you how to cut a watermelon in various shapes and sizes. 

How to Cut a Watermelon in Slices? 

Here are the easy small steps, follow them wisely. Your watermelon will be ready in less than a minute. 

Step 1: Wash the watermelon before cutting

Before you cut the watermelon, make sure you wash it well under running water. In watermelon, you can not peel off the skin like orange, so to remove all pesticides, wash it well. This also helps to remove all dirt and bacteria from the body of the fruit. 

Step 2: Cut off the top and the bottom portion of the watermelon

Take out a slice from the upper side of the watermelon, which extracts out the tougher section of the fruit. This will not hamper the juicy fleshy part of the fruit, so take out the head and tail portion of the watermelon. 

Step 3: Cut the watermelon from the middle

Make the watermelon stand and cut it into two halves of the watermelon, using the serrated knife. This will give you two huge pieces of watermelon and you can deal with each of the sections easily after making halves. 

Step 4: Again cut each of the halves section

Then take each of the halves that you have already made and then cut it into some more halves. As many pieces as you want to depend on how small pieces you want your watermelon to be.  

Step 5: Separate out the rind of the watermelon

After taking out the pieces, let the piece be laid on a table and slowly cut through the fruit to take out the rind on the fruit. If we say in other words, hold the fruit by one hand and by the other hand using a knife separate the fleshy fruit portion from the hard rind of the fruit. 

Step 6: Cut it into slices

Once the rind of the fruit is separated, you can cut down the pieces from the slices of the watermelon. You can choose your own size to cut down the fruit. 

How to Cut a Watermelon in Round Pieces?

Now, in the above section, we have shown you how to cut a watermelon in slices. In this section, we will show how to cut the watermelon into round pieces very quickly. 

Step 1: Cut the watermelon in cross-section manner

After washing the watermelon, lay the fruit on a table, and like we said above take off the head portion of the fruit. You can turn the watermelon and cut the fruit through cross-sections of the fruit, in a circular pattern. 

Step 2: Cut off the rind of the watermelon

Carefully slide in your knife in the inner circle of the fruit to separate out the fleshy fruit and the rind of the fruit easily. While separating the rind and the fruit, you can remove the seeds with your knife. 

Step 3: Use the mold to cut into any shape

how to cut a watermelon

After you get out the fleshy portion of the fruit, you can use your favorite mold and cut the fruit into the shape of your choice. 

How to Cut a Watermelon Using a Melon Baller? 

The two standard methods of cutting the watermelon have already been given. Now, in this section, we will give another technique that will help you to cut a watermelon using a baller. Follow the steps given below to know how to cut a watermelon using a melon baller

Step 1: Cut the watermelon into two halves

how to cut a watermelon

First, wash the watermelon and then cut the watermelon into two halves, like in the other two methods given above. The best way to get a watermelon in various sizes is to cut it into halves first and then do any other shape. 

Step 2: Use a baller 

how to cut a watermelon

Use a melon baller to scoop out the fresh juice melon into a round ball-like shape. The melon baller is like the scoop of an ice cream, which helps to scoop out from the huge body. Also using a melon baller, you get to use the maximum of the fruit. 

Step 3: Freeze the watermelon

how to cut a watermelon


After you scoop out the whole fruit, then you need to collect them in a bowl and freeze it. It is preferable if you use a glass bowl to refrigerate the watermelon, it keeps the fruit juice, watery and cold. Serve the watermelon cool and fresh to your kids or anyone you want to. 

Wrapping Up!

SolvingDaily has been able to collect the most number of solutions for you. It has also given you the maximum number of methods which you can follow to cut a watermelon in less than a minute. If you really liked it then you can post your comments below in the comments section. SolvingDaily would try to bring solutions to all your questions here so that you need not worry about anything. 

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