How to Change Birthday on Facebook on Mobile and Desktop

Birthday is the most special event in our lives; it’s a day of joy and celebration. It’s important to know the date of birth of our friends to wish them on their birthday.

However, it’s hard to remember the date of birth of every friend. Luckily, Facebook reminds us about it. Sometimes we mistakenly save a wrong date of our birthday on Facebook. But, do you know how to change birthday on Facebook?

How to Change Birthday on Facebook on Mobile

We can change the birthday on Facebook both from a smartphone and desktop. This article brings you the simple steps on how to change birthday on Facebook.

Step 1: Open ‘Facebook App’


Open Facebook App on your smartphone. Login to Facebook by entering your ‘Login ID and Password’. If you have already logged in, follow the next step.

Step 2: Tap on ‘Menu Option’


Android: After logging in, tap on the three dot menu option near the top right corner of your android smartphone.

iPhone: If you have an iPhone, you will find the ‘Menu Option’ at the bottom right corner.

Step 3: Click on Your Name

After you tap on the Menu option, you will find your name with a subtitle ‘see your profile’ below your name. Now, click on your name and it will take you to your profile page.

Step 5: Go to ‘About info’


On your profile page, you will find there is ‘About info’ below your profile picture. Tap on the ‘About info,’ you can find details about yourself.

Step 6: Scroll Down to ‘Basic Info’

Tap the ‘About tab and then scroll down to the Basic Info. Press on the Edit on the right side of the window.

Step7: Edit Your Date of Birth


Edit the birthday date, month, and year. Tap the month, day, or year drop-down menu. Tap the month, day, or year that you want to display. Scroll down and click on the Save button.

How to Change Birthday on Facebook on Desktop?

Step 1: Log in to Facebook From Your  Web Browser

Go to the browser and open and then login into Facebook then the page loads the user News Feed.

Step 2: Go to ‘About Tab’

After that, the user name should be visible on the top right side of the window page, click on the name that takes the user to the profile page. Click on the About tab. It’s below and right to the profile picture.

Step 3: Click on ‘Basic and Contact Info’


After opening the tab on the page the user can find Contact and Basic Info. Click on that tab.

Step 4: Edit Your Date, Month, Year


Below, the Basic Info user can edit their Birthday. Click on the birthday. Click Edit on the right side of the display. Click the month, day, or year that you want to change.

Click a new month, day, or year.

Step 5: Click on ‘Save Changes’

To update the User birthday Info then scroll down and then click on ‘Save changes.’


Now that you learnt how to change birthday on Facebook, ensure that you are careful about your safety. While changing the date of birth we have to be careful and we have to know on which place or platform using Facebook. If it is mobile it is secure in our hands. While in case of using a desktop we can open any place such as an internet Shop, our friend’s laptop, and mainly in our laptop.

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